Group Therapy

Intensive Outpatient Program & Mental Health located in Cary, NC

Group Therapy

Group therapy creates a unique healing environment, where you can get invaluable support and learn essential skills with people who share your challenges. Natalie Chigozie, MSW, LCSW, and the experienced professionals at IOP Mental Health in Cary, North Carolina, offer intensive group therapy to help patients work toward their goals and overcome mental health disorders. Call the office today or request an appointment online to learn more about how group therapy could help you.

Group Therapy Q & A

What is group therapy?

Group therapy is an effective mental health treatment that involves three or more people with similar challenges or psychological disorders. 

Each group includes a skilled and experienced mental health professional who guides each session. Patients share their experiences, feelings, challenges, and successes with people who can understand and relate. 

What are the benefits of group therapy?

Group therapy offers unique benefits you can’t get from individual therapy. You gain insight from others, discover how they overcame the same problems you face, and learn any tactics they tried that didn’t help. You may also learn about community resources or additional programs that others found helpful.

One of the most important benefits of group therapy is the support and encouragement you get from other group members. Even if you were unsure about joining a group (an issue for many people), you quickly feel the relief of talking with people who understand you and your struggles.

Who might need group therapy?

The IOP Mental Health team carefully assembles each group to meet specific needs and goals. This makes group therapy an invaluable asset for treating many mental health conditions, such as:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
  • Anger management
  • Trauma
  • Grief and loss

Group therapy at IOP Mental Health focuses on helping people needing intensive treatment for severe symptoms.

Can my family get group therapy?

Natalie and the IOP Mental Health team also offer group therapy sessions for family members. By definition, this type of group involves your family’s unique challenges.

For example, some families have shared the same traumatic event, while others need to learn how to support a family member with a mental health condition. Family sessions of group therapy can help deal with conflicts or dysfunctional communication.

What happens during group therapy?

What happens during your group therapy depends on the people in the group, their goals, and the therapist leading the group. Your therapist plans each group session. They may introduce a specific topic or ask questions to stimulate conversation.

Many therapeutic techniques work well in group therapy, including:

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
  • Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT)
  • Mindfulness
  • Family of origin work
  • Role-playing 
  • Art and music therapy
  • Psychoeducation
  • Problem-solving exercises

Call IOP Mental Health to learn how you can benefit from group therapy, or book an appointment online today.